Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Libtard Freak Self-Flagellates in Public

I am a(n anti White) racist
Portrait of a self loathing bloated pile of shit. Looks like a kike to me. A faggot too.

Mark C. Chu-Carroll

(Unfortunately, this post has been linked to by a white supremacist[sic] site. Instead of providing a forum for their foulness, I'm shutting down comments on this post...because the good folks at Am-Ren have completely destroyed my liberal stupidity and exposed it as the Marxist jewthink drivel that it is)

Unfortunately, I lost the link that inspired this. But I recently saw a post by a conservative about "reclaiming" the word racist. It went on to list a collection of reasons why he was a racist. The gist of it was that all of us dirty liberals were the real racists - because there's no possible reason for us to support things like affirmative action, welfare, etc., unless we really, deep down, believe that minorities - particularly blacks - are stupid animals incapable of taking care of themselves.

It's typical bullshit. So I'm responding in my own way. Because, you see, I am a racist. I'm not proud of that fact - but growing up in a deeply racist and sexist culture, you can't avoid absorbing racist and sexist messages and attitudes into your worldview. And the blogger who inspired this is, like me, a member of the privileged elite. The difference between us is that I at least try to notice the effects of my privilege. I don't support social justice programs like affirmative action, welfare, and job training because I think that poor black people need help because they're less smart than me: I think that people like me have unfair advantages that we rarely appreciate, and that everyone deserves the same advantages that I've been lucky enough to receive. But however idealistic I am, however commited I am to social justice, the fact remains: I am, to my shame, a racist.

  1. I am a racist - because I never noticed all of the unearned privileges that are given to me until someone pointed them out.
  2. I am a racist - because even after learning about the unearned privileges that I recieve, I still don't notice them.
  3. I am a racist, because I have grown up in a culture that, at every turn, teaches me that to be white is to be better, and smarter, and I have absorbed that lesson.
  4. I am a racist, because I instinctively react to members of minorities with fear.
  5. I am a racist, because I live in a sunset town.
  6. I am a racist, because I believe that I deserve the success I have, even though I know people who are more smart, capable, and talented than I am never had the chances that I did to be successful, because of the color of their skin.
  7. I am a racist - because I am a white man who has directly benefited from the unfair preferences that have been directed towards me all of my life.
  8. I am a racist - because every day, I benefit from the denial of basic privileges to other people.
  9. I am a racist, because I do not notice the things that are denied to people who are different from me.
  10. I am a racist, because I do not notice the advantages that I have over others.
  11. I am a racist, because even when I do manage to notice what is denied to people of different races and backgrounds, I don't speak up.

The point of this isn't just to do a sort of "walk of shame". The point is that I am an incredibly lucky person, who has benefited from all sorts of things - from where I was born, to the color of my skin, to the background of my parents, to my gender. I have recieved, and continue to receive benefits because of those, and many other factors that have nothing to do with my own merit. And except for very rare occasions, that goes unremarked, unnoticed.

People like me think of ourselves as the default - as "normal" people. We consider the incredible advantages that we receive to be normal, unremarkable. We don't notice just how much we benefit from that assumption of our own normality - the benefits we receive fade into invisibility. We don't even notice that they exist. And then when someone who doesn't get those benefits has trouble, we naturally blame them for not being as successful as we are.

The underlying theme of people like the jerk who inspired this post is: "I made it by myself, without any help. So they should be able to make it by themselves, without any help either."

But that's bullshit, because none of us "made it by ourselves". We're the beneficiaries of the system we live in.

I grew up in a wealthy town in NJ. We didn't consider ourselves wealthy - but by comparison to lots of other people, we really were. I went to a very good school system. We complained about it a lot: the textbooks were too old; the equipment in the science labs were too beaten up; the classes were too easy, and so on.

When I was in college, I got to teach a summer program for top students from schools in Newark, Camden, and Jersey City. And I discovered that my students went to schools where they didn't have to worry about their books being too old - because they didn't have any books. I mean that literally: in their english classes, they didn't have books, because their schools had never been able to buy new books since it opened - and the books had long since fallen apart. They didn't complain about the lousy lab equipment - because their schools had never had science labs at all. How could people coming from schools like that possibly hope to compete with students from a school like mine? I didn't admitted to college over people from their schools because I was smarter. I got admitted into college over people from their schools because I was richer and whiter.

And when my students went to the campus bookstore to buy basic supplies like paper and pencils, the people who worked there followed them around the store - because what would a bunch of poor black kids be doing in a bookstore if they weren't there to rob it?

I write this math blog for fun. How did I get the background to do it? I come from a highly educated family. They taught me to read before I even started preschool. I'd learned about statistics from my father when I was in third grade. I learned about algebra in sixth grade, even though my school didn't teach it until 8th or 9th. I learned calculus in my freshman year in high school - even though my school didn't teach it until a senior year AP class. I was learning this stuff long before the school taught it to me; and my parents made sure that they bought a house in a very expensive school district where there would be things like AP classes. My parents paid for me to go to college - which gave me the time to take courses not just because I needed them to graduate, but because they covered things that I wanted to learn, just for fun.

How could a person from a family that just managed to scrape by, who lived in a school system that couldn't afford textbooks for the basic classes, much less the AP classes, how could they compete with me? It's damned close to impossible. Not because they're any less smart, or any less talented. But because I've had an absolutely uncountable number of advantages. Every day of my life, I've been given benefits which helped make it possible for me to become who and what I am. I'm here partially because I've worked damned hard to get here. But that work, by itself, wouldn't have gotten me to where I am, without luck and privilege.

People like me need to remember that. We didn't earn what we have all by ourselves. We may have earned part of it - but only part. An awful lot of what we have is built on privilege: on the advantages that we've been given because of race, gender, wealth, and family.

The sad fact is that the vile thoughts expressed by this self hating lump of shit are not uncommon among White people. Like all libtards though, this clown is a hypocrite of the highest order. He will never divest himself of his "white privilege" i.e. the cash he has made from his job at Google as a computer scientist. Why wont he just go out and find a nigger to give it all to? No, that's not the liberal way. They themselves can never deign to live in a nigger infested ghetto or subject their own children to the "treasures" of diversity that they moan endlessly about. Mingling with unwashed savages is for thee, not for me.

"...none of us "made it by ourselves". We're the beneficiaries of the system we live in."

Yes. A system created by and for Whites. A system that niggers could never build or sustain. Rather than hate and malign the people who built Western Civilization, he should turn his scorn towards the mud savages who would (and are) destroying it. Dipshits like "Chu-Carroll" seem all too willing to let them.


  1. Well that was throughly disgusting.
    God save us from goons like that.

  2. No doubt, Joy. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm amazed at just how many White people think exactly like this douche bag.

  3. Hey Big R.

    I had written this at DIC but it is just amazing. I was talking to this gal over coffee.(kinda going out) and she is one of those Evangelical Christians

    We were talking about birds and I stated how Hawks and Eagles don't mate. Or the different finches don't mate or the different cranes don't mate etc...

    She knows I hate joos so I had to bring them up and stated how they are told not to breed with Gentiles or any other goyims. So I asked her since the joos are the ones telling us its ok to breed with niggers and ever other lower life form why is it ok for them not too?

    The answer was they (joos) need to keep their bloodline pure while with us it doesn't matter. I then asked why she hates her own race so much,,, she didn't respond.

    Even after giving her the evidence that Sister Joy or Brother Jeff gave about the joo and biblical teachings these idiots are so blind its scary...

    Just makes you want to give up. Maybe realise its to late the joo has destroyed another nation.

    I told her what people like you, me , Joy, Jeff etc are actually doing the work of Christ exposing these imposters and the answer I got???? Well they had schuffer inks and they are God's chosen so its wrong

  4. This swine is a kike. Kikes like to pass themselves off as whites when spouting garbage like this. They know that it won't have any effect on members of their own tribe while causing psychological damage to weaker members of the white race.
