I don't really know much about the creature known as Mike Burks other than what I've heard through the grapevine: troll, traitor, agent provocateur, homosexual, misfit, and unreliable goofball. I don't even know when all of this drama transpired, but that's not terribly relevant, as I'm using this situation for illustrative purposes.
Here are the more salient, pertinent parts of his "statement."
After nearly seven years of being in the “pro-white” movement I feel its time to retire. After taking the last month in half to think things over I have come to the conclusion that the entire “pro-white” movement is a joke. In my seven years worth of experience I’ve never witness anything good from it. Instead I have met the biggest group of hypocrites, back-stabbers and anti-social misfits one could ever come across. I have much better things to do with my time, energy and money.
I have met enough odd balls in this “pro-white” to know walking away is the right thing to do. Never in my life have I met a group of mentally ill, white trash and anti-social group of scumbags in my life. It’s amazing that so many of these people exist. I think back and one thought kept coming up – “Who has attacked me the past few years?” No, it wasn’t the Jew, the non-white or other “so-called” enemy of my race. It has been my own people. The Randy Grays, Matthew Ramseys, McKinley Mitchells, and Matt Roberts of the world are the ones who have stalked me, harassed me and threaten me. It wasn’t One Peoples Project, the SPLC, or ARA I had to worry about. Instead, it was my “own people” who attacked me.
The number of whores, closets homosexuals and liars I’ve met within the “pro-white” movement is something I can do without. These people do nothing useful. Not only are they a total disgrace to the white race, but a total disgrace to all of mankind. Walking away from these people won’t be hard. With that said, I am not joining some ARA group like say Erica Hardwick did.
As for Bill White, I can say this - He will not be set free. And after being questioned by the FBI, I can see why. Bill White did break the law and I regret now that I stood behind him after his arrest. I believe in free speech and don’t believe that Bill should be held for juror tampering. With that said, he did break other laws. He stated on live radio that people should kill Richard Warman. He didn’t say he hoped he died or that he wished the man died, Bill clearly said to “kill him” and gave out his address. Bill also told the news in Tampa that he wished a crazy would kill Leonard Pitts and the people in the Newsroom. Bill also asked me to hide evidence during one of his many investigations – also illegal and yes, the FBI knows all about it. No, I didn’t snitch on Bill White. The FBI had the call taped.
Every group I have joined has been a complete failure. So below I am going to take the time to name the groups and give some facts and personal eye witness accounts of each. Enjoy!
Imperial Klans of America (IKA) – Was the first group I ever joined. Led by Ron Edwards and National HQ based out of my home state of Kentucky. This group was a joke. I met men who beat women and a countless number of drunks. Most of the members were high school dropouts or people of low education. Ron was jobless while his wife was working paying the bills – what a “tough” white man! Once I quit members of the IKA harassed me for the next few years. Lucky the IKA recently lost a 2.5 million dollar lawsuit and will no longer be a factor…. Wait they haven’t been a factor the past two years anyways.
White Revolution – I stayed in this group for a quick two months. Knowing the people within this group was enough to make anyone with an IQ over 80 quit. You had Mark Martin, which is laughable. Some 400 girl from Arizona that seemed to stalk Mark Martin, also funny. A mentally ill man in Kentucky who blew his brains out. Their South Carolina leader Billy Brown dated a girl with mixed children. I mean, I could go on but I think you get the point. Oh yeah, Bill Roper was their leader, enough said,
Knights Party – Led by career con-man, Thom Robb. Like money making preachers you see on television, “Pastor” Robb will sell you a $350 brick for “White Christian Revival” – other words the money goes in his wallet. For a “Christian” I question the people I met within this group. Richard Hensley of HQ staff and David Barnett of North Carolina were divorced, a sin last time I checked my Bible. A guy named Phil was a former pot dealer. A woman from New York wore an upside down cross (symbol of Satan). Randy Gray, a high school dropout, seems to have a homosexual fixation on me which is very sick and disturbing to say the least.
American National Socialist Workers Party – At first we did great activism. The last few months I realize we only went after people that made Bill White mad. We no longer did political activism. All our time was spent on people Bill hated. Bill would appoint people like me to leadership roles and never listen to my advice. I told him for months to kick Justin Boyer out. Boyer, who spells like a retarded child, was a disgrace for anyone calling themselves a man. Instead, Bill allowed Boyer to make a complete mockery out of us. I find it funny now that Boyer testified against Bill. I also told Bill to kick Tim Bland out. Bill ripped me for this and took Bland’s side. A few months ago Bland was arrested for selling pot (we have the police record). Of course I was right and Bill was wrong. Bill also ran off my good friend, Mike Garrett by calling him mentally ill and making him looks bad on our yahoo group.
As you can tell, I have created this Blog*. I will dedicate this Blog as a “pro-white” news source much like White Reference does. The only difference is that my Blog will expose the frauds and corruption within the “pro-white” movement instead of glorifying con-men such as David Duke, Don Black and others. I am sure many will hate me and threaten me. Wait, they’ve been doing that for a few years now lol.
*His commitment to White Nationalism is on par with his commitment to blogging. It's already been self deleted.
I give this piece of flotsam more attention than he deserves only because it illustrates perfectly what Tom Metzger has been saying about organizational groups for a long time now. But, to me, it also points up something else. This drifting, directionless piece of shit never recognized himself as the sort of untermenschen that such organizations inevitably draw. His observations of the people he's dealt with may very well be accurate and, in fact, knowing what I know, I take him at his word that it's true, even without personally knowing those named. But what, ultimately, does it say about Mike Burks, and others like him? It took wandering in and out of four of these low rent organizations before he learned how ineffective they are? But then, if you believe a flake like Bill White ever even remotely did something called "political activism", you are probably on the short bus as it is. Even more so, if you have to get up close and personal, cleaning the guy's underwear in order to realize what a fruit loop you're dealing with. One click on the overthrow website a few years ago told me all that I needed to know that this was either a federal agent or a mentally ill attention seeker.
What puzzles me about these people who always pop up, and always with these overwrought "final farewells" to "the movement", is the seeming ease with which they are able to bury their convictions, if indeed they ever truly had them in the first place. I cannot imagine turning on a dime and forgetting all that I know about the jew, the statistical data on race, and my own observations of such things, because some other person turned out not to be as advertised, regardless of how heart breaking the betrayal or disappointment may be. What does someone else's dysfunction or ineptitude have to do with reality or the way that I perceive it? Nothing, if you've successfully broken free of jewthink. If David Duke and Don Black actually were con-men, it wouldn't change the truth they've told or my recognition of that truth.
My guess is that this clown was never a White Nationalist in the first place. He was a mere joiner. The sort of hanger on whose existence is validated by his being "active" in the organization, any organization. This retard could have easily drifted into any sort of collective. If the wind had blown him in that particular direction he would have been the treasurer of his local "Pokemon" card club.
Yet another reason to heed Terrible Tommy's words and steer clear of these organizations. They are rife with the folks Burks points out, but, they are also teeming with the sort of wishy washy, fair weather "activists" that Burks himself personifies.