by Reverend Ted Pike
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith(B'iotch) is massively expanding its pro-homosexual “World of Difference” educational outreach to public school teachers in America. “World of Difference” has already instructed more than 375,000 U.S. public school teachers, impacting nearly 12 million students. ADL argues in favor of tolerance toward the values, culture, and accomplishments of sodomites. Their new online outreach, “Making Diversity Count,” intends to embed such acceptance even more deeply within American public education.

by Reverend Ted Pike
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith(B'iotch) is massively expanding its pro-homosexual “World of Difference” educational outreach to public school teachers in America. “World of Difference” has already instructed more than 375,000 U.S. public school teachers, impacting nearly 12 million students. ADL argues in favor of tolerance toward the values, culture, and accomplishments of sodomites. Their new online outreach, “Making Diversity Count,” intends to embed such acceptance even more deeply within American public education.
ADL, in its similar “No Place for Hate” program, encourages parents to invite a homosexual couple over for a “get acquainted” evening of dinner and sharing with their children. This will prove to young people, ADL asserts, that same-sex “married” couples are just as normal and fulfilled as heterosexuals.
Endorsed by an array of America’s leading educators, “Making Diversity Count” encompasses a new dimension of “soft-sell” online pro-homosexual propaganda. It provides in-home “respect for diversity” education to teachers, even in the remotest and smallest districts. Completion of the 15-hour course results in continuing education credits. ADL encourages teachers to promote unconditional acceptance of students who are “different,” i.e. homosexuals. In contrast, ADL preaches there should be “no place for hate,” i.e. zero tolerance in the public schools toward the “homophobic,” “hateful and hurtful” convictions of Christian young people.
Who is Corrupting Public Schools?
Many concerned Christian parents, especially in California , are mystified as to the source of the tidal wave of pro-homosexuality flooding into public education. They need look no further than ADL, whose decades-long public record of encouraging homosexuality in American life is well known and respected by the liberal establishment. ADL, in fact, is proud of its tireless efforts to end “homophobic” Christian “hate and hate speech.” That’s the whole purpose behind the “anti-hate” laws ADL has masterminded and enforces, behind the scenes, worldwide. (Watch Rev. Ted Pike’s Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians)
Many concerned Christian parents, especially in California , are mystified as to the source of the tidal wave of pro-homosexuality flooding into public education. They need look no further than ADL, whose decades-long public record of encouraging homosexuality in American life is well known and respected by the liberal establishment. ADL, in fact, is proud of its tireless efforts to end “homophobic” Christian “hate and hate speech.” That’s the whole purpose behind the “anti-hate” laws ADL has masterminded and enforces, behind the scenes, worldwide. (Watch Rev. Ted Pike’s Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians)
Tragically, the tens of thousands of public school educators who are now naively imbibing ADL’s new soft-sell of homosexuality have probably never heard a critical word against ADL. This is largely because all major Christian/conservative leaders and media, fearing ADL’s accusation “anti-Semitic!”, either remain silent concerning ADL’s very existence or back off from criticism when ADL conspicuously persecutes Christians and trashes Christian values. For example:
Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice portrays itself as an aggressive legal bulldog alerting the Christian world whenever the rights of Christians are being violated. ACLJ ostensibly exists to actively intervene in the courts to obtain justice for persecuted Christians.
Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice portrays itself as an aggressive legal bulldog alerting the Christian world whenever the rights of Christians are being violated. ACLJ ostensibly exists to actively intervene in the courts to obtain justice for persecuted Christians.
This didn’t happen in 2004 when 11 Christians in Philadelphia were arrested by ADL’s National Executive Board member, Philly DA Lynne Abraham. The arrest and jailing of the Philly 11, threatening 47 years in prison and $90,000 in fines each, is perhaps the most egregious act of persecution against Christians in American history. Yet, for over three months, even after the case had been dismissed by a higher court, ACLJ said nothing, giving not a hint of this travesty to its 100 million viewers on Trinity Broadcasting Network. Without a doubt, ACLJ was acutely aware of ADL’s high-profile role. Result: They went silent.Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition and its CBN News also boast of instant coverage of Christians under persecution. Yet they responded with the same silence. Finally, after three months had passed, when ADL had been defeated and their lack of coverage had become glaringly obvious, they sent a camera crew to interview Michael Marcavage, head of the Philly 11. At last, they informed their similarly vast audience of the mortal threat against free speech that had occurred three months earlier. (See, Philadelphia pursues “Hate Crimes” Charges Against Christians)Some Evangelical Leaders Support ADL
Incredibly some new right media and leadership speak well of ADL:
Danette Daniels, public relations director and talk show host for the popular Christian/conservative American Freedom (radio) Network, told me several years ago that their network featured regularly scheduled radio programs, not only by ADL but also its terrorist bedfellow, the Jewish Defense League! During an interview I had with Daniels, I criticized ADL for masterminding hate laws. She immediately apologized on air, “to all my ADL friends” for what I was saying. (My recent call to AFN informed me that ADL/JDL programs are not presently being aired.)Pastor John Hagee, who speaks to a TV audience of 99 million, has publicly boasted of receiving the Humanitarian of the Year award from B’nai B’rith International, parent of ADL, as well as “numerous honors and accolades from national Jewish organizations…”“Born again” President George W. Bush, in a special message to ADL’s National Strategy Conference this spring, said ADL and director Abe Foxman are doing a “great job” of fighting intolerance.As a consequence of the confusion caused by such silence or mixed messages from the religious right, ADL’s lustrous reputation as the world’s premiere civil rights organization, fighting homophobia and anti-semitism, remains unquestioned among elite liberal educators, jurists, and legislators in America. These are those who are now “mysteriously” uniting to educate, adjudicate, and legislate against the values and freedoms of America’s Christian majority.
Danette Daniels, public relations director and talk show host for the popular Christian/conservative American Freedom (radio) Network, told me several years ago that their network featured regularly scheduled radio programs, not only by ADL but also its terrorist bedfellow, the Jewish Defense League! During an interview I had with Daniels, I criticized ADL for masterminding hate laws. She immediately apologized on air, “to all my ADL friends” for what I was saying. (My recent call to AFN informed me that ADL/JDL programs are not presently being aired.)Pastor John Hagee, who speaks to a TV audience of 99 million, has publicly boasted of receiving the Humanitarian of the Year award from B’nai B’rith International, parent of ADL, as well as “numerous honors and accolades from national Jewish organizations…”“Born again” President George W. Bush, in a special message to ADL’s National Strategy Conference this spring, said ADL and director Abe Foxman are doing a “great job” of fighting intolerance.As a consequence of the confusion caused by such silence or mixed messages from the religious right, ADL’s lustrous reputation as the world’s premiere civil rights organization, fighting homophobia and anti-semitism, remains unquestioned among elite liberal educators, jurists, and legislators in America. These are those who are now “mysteriously” uniting to educate, adjudicate, and legislate against the values and freedoms of America’s Christian majority.
Christian leaders may think there are no consequences to their policy of silence. In reality, the frightening world now taking shape (including Christian-persecuting public schools in America) is being created not just by evil people but by the “good” people who think there is still safety in silence.
The truth is, their silence only creates the vacuum that evil ADL fills.
The truth is, their silence only creates the vacuum that evil ADL fills.
There was a link on the druge report( he is a kike) about some orgy that was suposed to take place in kikeland..last weekend..Can't find it now.Strange huh? But they didn't want it there.
ReplyDeleteBeanie wearing filth
muh money
Kikes don't want any of the bullshit that they push on White culture affecting them. This, to me, makes them even more guilty of genocide, because they are knowingly polluting, perverting, and destroying Western civilization with their liberal vomit and race mixing poison. Fuck the lot of them!
ReplyDeleteHey, does that prancing fairy in the photo look like Abe Foxman?
ReplyDeleteNah. He's a true hypocritical kike. He would never partake of the "diversity" that he so arrogantly prescribes for others.
Hey, I sure am glad you could dig up the cache's. You did alot of good works over there.I always love your editing! :)
ReplyDeleteFinally found that story...
ReplyDeleteIt is so far out you can not make this up.
came from a kike news paper....Too funny
Mega-orgy in Tel Aviv cancelled due to public pressure
Sex fest scheduled to be held on 'International Orgasm Day' and seeking to promote world peace called off after owner of venue meant to host event caves in to threats
Yoav Zaitun Published: 12.24.08, 00:13 / Israel Culture
After weeks of preparations for the largest sex event of its kind in Israel, organizers were forced to cancel it this week due to public pressure and threats exerted on the owner of the venue where the sex fest was to take place.
The event in question, which was scheduled to take place on "International Orgasm Day," aimed to bring together some 250 participants seeking to promote world peace through multiple orgasms reached by masturbation or sex.
The orgy was organized by the Raelian movement, a UFO religion whose followers believe humankind was created by aliens. The group's spokesman, Kobi Drori, said that the orgy was meant to include straights, gays, lesbians and bisexuals, all of them over 18.
"The purpose of the event was to try and bring world peace through mass orgasm, this by experiencing consensual sex and natural, uninterrupted pleasure. It was important to make love without feeling guilty or shy," he explained.
Drori protested the fact that nowadays the words "war," "violence" and "murder" have become more legitimate than "sex," "orgasm" and "pleasure."
"It should be the other way around. Several years ago an Iraqi boy whose limbs were amputated was shown on TV and everybody treated this as if it was okay, but when Janet Jackson exposed her breast during the Superbowl the American nation was appalled.
"We wanted to put into practice the saying 'make love, not war'."
'Society based on self-fulfillment'
According to Drori, the orgy was just the first in a series of events dedicated to promoting this objective. On January 22 the movement will hold a conference on sexuality and masturbation with experts and writers in the field.
He also vowed that the cancelation of this year's orgy would not deter the Raelians from setting up another sex fest next year.
The Raelian movement has several hundreds followers in Israel and some 70,000 members worldwide.
"We don't believe in demons, ghosts and gods," said Drori. "The group's primary goal is to inform humanity, without attempting to persuade, regarding scientific messages that deal with the origins of life on earth.
"The second goal is to expedite the establishment of a society based on the principles of non-violence, solidarity, self-fulfillment and pleasure. To establish one global currency, one global government and harness science to the service of humanity, and not against humanity," he concluded.
Maybe if they had young teenage Russian Gentile slaves throughn in the filthy hypocrit animals would of allowed it...
Just slap the damn beanies off them.
Muh Money
Another good one about joo perversions....,,,,
ReplyDeleteRemember the old saying screw the pooch? This kike screwed the cat..My God what a horrible discusting race
Cat beaten, sodomized
Ellicott City, MD (US)
Incident Date: Wednesday, Nov 10, 2004
County: Howard
Disposition: Convicted
Defendant/Suspect: Steven Richard Schatz
Case Updates: 5 update(s) available
Howard County Court documents show charges against a man (warrant issued on Nov 10, 2004) for one felony count of Animal Mutilation, 2 misdemeanor counts of Animal Cruelty, and one misdemeanor count of Perverted Practice. In part, the Statement of Charges reads as follows:
Upon examination, the cat "Clyde" was observed to have…severe hemorrhages in eyes, hemorrhages of tongue, fractured and displaced teeth, was unable to stand or walk, vomited blood, was incontinent, severe liver trauma, flaccid rectal muscles and splayed rear legs consistent with an object being forced into the rectum or with sexual assault, 7 broken ribs, some freshly broken and others in stages of healing. (The Veterinarian) also advised that all of Clyde's nails were broken and split. She advised that there was blue and yellow fleece fibers trapped in the broken and split nails. These items were collected as evidence.
"Based on the information obtained during the investigation it was determined that the cat "Clyde" was the victim of intentionally inflicted physical abuse that ultimately resulted in his death. It was also determined that the suspect, Steven Schatz, willfully and intentionally inflicted the injury upon the animal.
This determination was based on the injuries that were observed and documented by the Veterinarian as well as evidence collected. The injuries show that the animal had been systematically abused over a period of time.
The exam also showed that the animal had been sodomized during the abuse causing internal injuries. It is suspected that Schatz would wrap Clyde up the yellow and blue fleece shirt to protect himself from Clyde's claws. Once the animal was secured Schatz would inflict abuse upon the animal by hitting him and sodomizing him. The tape recording of the abuse obtained by (his girlfriend) provided audio recorded evidence of the animal's abuse with the voice of the suspect Steven Schatz and the screams of the animal being abused. This voice was identified and confirmed by Schatz to be his voice."
Schatz has prior arrests for Possession, Possesion with Intent to Distribute, and writing bad checks.
Pardons for barging into your campsite so late without hollering out first ... dropping by from "Thy weapon of war." Greetings from Virginia.
ReplyDeleteThese disgusting faggots are no different or less depraved than a savage nigger in Africa(or here) who will hump anything or take special delight in brutal sexual attack upon man/woman, animal or corpse ... makes no difference. There is no good reason for their continued existance topside.
Per Cleveland's cat comment -
As no morals/mercies are exibited by pervert or rapist, none should be shown. Swift justice is justified but sometimes reduction to a puddle of pulp with a piece of rebar would be more enjoyable and warranted(c'mon, admit it).
Alot of sick bastards polluting the environment. Shows the absolute depth of our actively promoted and continuing decay.
May God hasten the day of His cleansing.
Welcome, Jeff!!! No formal announcements are necessary. I'm just glad you're out there checking in, and appreciate your input.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind welcome, although I would question whether I had any input of value that any want to hear.
ReplyDeleteGuess each can only speak on that which he encounters in his respective wartime trench of activity. Many fingers intertwine to make a fist and various field reports combine to reveal the whole.
If I was inferring any familiarity by addressing anyone here, it was only because of remembrance of favorable comments made by some previously on DIC ...
in particular you and Joy.
(I found out quickly the Christian perspective was not wanted there, but I visited and read anyhow)
Over 2 years of "rebel trench digging" work finally culminating here ... perhaps I will still have time to revive my blog and get all 4 camp fire comrades back ! A long 'n dusty trail. Take care and the best to ya.
Brother Jeff, I am always interested in hearing what White Patriots have to say, even if it amounts to little more than "preaching to the choir."
ReplyDeleteThough I'm not a Christian myself and will maintain religious neutrality so as not to offend White Nationalists who may be Christian, CI, Asatru, pagan, atheist, etc., feel free to express anything here from whatever perspective you happen to have. I personally tend to view attacks on Christianity by liberals and jews as an attack on the morals and foundations of White Western culture and civilizationl, and therefore attacks on me and my Folk. In-fighting within our ranks on religious grounds is one of the most disunifying things I have seen in this movement, and I will do my best to avoid it.
Thanks for the well wishes and good luck in which ever theater of operations you may be in on your end.
Real Justice Means Having Fun While Punishing This White Faggot Slave..Reperations, Blatch!..Make me Squirm..