
Any time that I interact with the public (which I rarely do) I am immediately brought back to the reality that most White people in America comprise the massive human block of mediocrity simply called "whiggerdom."
I went to a high school graduation party this afternoon at a neighbor's house 3 or 4 doors down, with the usual trepidation and loathing that I have for any social gathering, even (or rather especially) including familial ones.
I'm not the neighborly sort and so I don't even know if half of these people were from the neighborhood or family members of the graduate or some combination of both. After scarfing down some free grub I caught bits and pieces of a conversation at the end of my table between four fifty-something White males. One of the sacks of shit said something like "he said it should be a right to work state." Another guy, wearing a stupid t-shirt with a larger than life picture of the kike stooge "Curly" emblazoned on the front of it, gave a middle finger to that notion. A third guy said "he should move down South then." The guy with the itchy middle finger said of his Southern kinsmen "they're stupid enough to do it, too. That's why they live in those shacks down there." Some more chatter I was unable to hear because of the classic rock being piped into the garage we were sitting in, and then one of these dip shits said "that state voted for Reagan and Bush" to a round of unanimous guffaws.
I did not involve myself in the conversation, but the look of contempt that I was shooting at this clown collective was very noticeable, because for the remainder of their time at the table, one of them who was in my direct line of sight kept looking at me. They disbanded quickly and shuffled away, probably for more beer.
What these gentlemen were going on about was the fact that they were pro union saps. Somebody made mention of one of them being laid off. At the comment, a walrus-like tub of shit slapped both hands on his ample gut, now roiling with beer, and joked that the condition was due to his living the "high life" of unemployment now.
The irony was lost on them that their conditions of unemployment and hanging on tenuously to the jobs they still do have are due in part to the gouging by parasites of producers and their over priced wages and artificially created, unsustainable middle class life style. They mock the South and it's shack dwelling rubes, yet Michigan, last I checked, was hovering at or near the 50th slot in terms of states enduring economic devastation, thanks in no small part to our democrap Marxist governor.
I am unabashedly anti-union. Unions are collectivist in nature and have been a breeding ground for commie recruitment since their inception. In my experience, unions seem to exist to protect and promote the most useless bottom feeding, lazy, and non productive pieces of human refuse. I have worked in half a dozen union shops in my life time and about the only "service" they provided was a direct tap to a portion of my paycheck week in and week out.
The unions of today are pro-illegal immigration and aggressively promote a pro faggot, anti-White agenda. But the fat, drunken slobs I encountered today don't care about that because they're still, at least in some small degree, getting a piece of the pie and are still able to afford their baubles and empty amusements.
I had a conversation with a 78 year old lady who watches MSNBC religiously and praises the Kenyan Pretender but has ranted incessantly in all the years I've known her about mexcriment immigration ...oblivious to the unconnected dot staring her straight in the face. She lamented the erosion of American economic status and the culture of corruption that has allowed it. Somehow, through the course of the conversation I mentioned jews as being instrumental in the decline of Amerikwa. She said "that's what Hitler said, blaming the jews for the trouble in Germany." She then said "boy, that Hitler, he was something else, huh?" An effeminate looking boy of about 21, whom I had barely noticed sitting at our table, stopped shoveling cheesy potatoes into his mouth long enough to say "evil. Hitler was evil. Insane. He wanted to kill all those people. I seen stuff on TV about it." Incredulously, I looked at him and said that the only reason he believes that tripe is because Hitler lost the war and the victors(kikejews) write the history.
"But all those bodies on TV!" he cried. Then the old lady said, "ya know, there's people who don't believe there were concentration camps, that there wasn't mass killings." I said "How can you be sure it did happen?" "Pictures of skeletons!!!", she countered. I said I could give you a picture of anything, put a caption on it, and if it's published in a prestigious enough format I could get you to believe any absurdity I wanted you to.
Turning to the boy, I asked why would you use a delousing agent like Zyklon B for mass exterminations when they had on hand ample supplies of serin gas that could wipe out a whole train load of kikes with a single drop. "Well, that was before they was using gas" the kid said. I said, "no, Zyklon B
was the gas! Why use something as inefficient as that?!" He looked down at his plate and said, "well, I don't know much about gas or nothing like that". In between all the talk of skeletons and kikejews, some other lout in a cap with a deer on it shouted "Hitler was tryin' to create a master race!" I didn't have time to tell this buffoon that this was a false notion and that he was already a part of the "master race" and had better wake the fuck up, because he got up from the table laughing and shaking his head and exited. Apparently, he was a fully jewdaized White American male, what Pastor Martin Lindstedt would call a "zogling whigger ass clown."
I asked if Hitler was the first person in history to expel the jews. The old lady said no, it's been happening for thousands of years. I asked why she thought that might be. Doesn't it say something about the jewish character, I offered in order to get her to the right conclusion. A light went on for the span of two seconds...but quickly went dim as she said, "well, maybe everybody just picks on them." The boy looked uncomfortable. He quickly shoveled the rest of his food down so he could get the hell out of there and away from the "crazy Hitler lover."
The table had been cleared and the old lady went silent. Rather than continue the discourse she made mention of how good the cake was. It was time to go. I walked past some shuffling drunks and went home. I walked by a group of young twenty or thirty something punks. One of them said something like "hey, hows it going". I replied with the sort of empty, phony salutation one makes in such situations. As I was walking away, I heard his friend say "who is that guy?" Fitting that I should be a stranger in my own neighborhood just as I seem to be a stranger to my race whom I have increasing difficulty relating to as the years pile up. The banality and general stupidity of most people has turned me into a misanthrope. We don't have a jew and nigger problem, we've got a whigger problem.
Why even bother broaching these taboo subjects in public anymore? Why endure the undying stupidity of White people who just don't have a clue? It's impossible in such situations to bring people up to speed with information that took me years of study and consideration to arrive at. Well, for one, I detest the idiotic small talk that most people engage in at these events. Any chance to alleviate the boredom and engage in at least a one sided substantive discourse is worth taking in my book.
It does point out the irony of the jewsmedia meme that "white soo-premacists" are ignorant buffoons and generally uneducated dumb dumbs. Quite the contrary, it's the WN who is the most steeped in history, science, knowledge of current political events, and a host of other things that a well read individual would be steeped in, if not just a simple sense of reality. On the other hand, the whigger's knowledge of bullshit is limitless. He knows all the stats on the star nigger ball player, the latest celebrity scandal, and what the jewsmedia tells him.
It gets lonely, holding views that are heretical to the general population, and in possession of knowledge and insights that I simply cannot relate to others in the flesh and blood world. That, I think, is the very reason I continue to post on this blog. And I'm grateful to those who read what I have to say, and even more grateful to those who take the time to comment on it.