It's an all too common occurrence in recent months. Niggers on public transit see a White victim and they swarm like a pack of feral hyenas. And as usual, no other Whites bother to assist, content to watch as one of their own takes a senseless beating(or worse).
Tom Metzger doesn't believe that Lone Wolves should compromise themselves in any way by coming to the aid of Whites in these situations, believing that no good can come of it, and it will more likely than not end in grief for the Lone Wolf. On this one point, I must respectfully disagree with Terrible Tommy. We have a duty to intercede in this type of situation. And not just Lone Wolves or White Nationalists. Every able bodied White male must act. The war is here and we are in it. If not now, then when? Most of you have seen the infamous "pizza shop beating" video as a 400 pound obese yard ape pummeled a helpless White man while other Whites looked on casually, as if it wasn't even happening. I'm sure many of you shouted at your monitors, admonishing the cowards for their apathy, and, if you're like me, might have even uttered to yourself "God, I wish I'd have been there..." If it were the natural impulse of Whites, as it used to be when I was young and in the age of my father and grand fathers before me, no one would have to worry about being the only one willing to take a stand. Imagine the message such a show of unity would send to these fucking cowardly nigger savages, who have clearly lost all fear of the White man.
Of course, you've got to assess the situation before running in half cocked. Is it a mudshark having a spat with her pet boon? Fuck 'em! Walk away. Is it some wigger getting a real taste of nigger "culture" at the feral paws of his "homies"? Best to let the lesson continue unhindered. Is it some other piece of human refuse like a druggie? Not your problem.
But women? Kids? The elderly? The disabled? We deserve everything that's happening to us as a race if we are not willing to help those among us who most deserve our protection and least deserve being victims of nigger savagery. Even fairly docile water buffalo will sometimes stand down a pride of lions to protect their own.
The victim in this video looks like a kid or younger person. They chose him because they knew that he would likely not put up much resistance. What's sad is that this kid has no idea how cowardly his attackers are, and that his passive response is only like so much chum in shark infested waters, feeding the attack and emboldening the attackers. He would fare far better by flailing his arms, kicking, biting, scratching, whatever he's got in his arsenal. Even one bloodied set of flaring ape nostrils, could have acted as a deterrent. He's probably been indoctrinated with some Oprah bullshit that it's best to not resist in a violent attack lest you "make the assailant more angry." Too bad a lot of people have died by following such back wards, faulty advice. This liberal clap trap has neutered the basic, first instinct inherent in all living things: survival at all costs.
Some lessons here for Lone Wolves. The first lesson is, of course, not to allow yourself to enter into such a compromised situation in the first place. But, if, God forbid, you are in a position where you simply must use public transit, then, you've got to realize that if trouble ensues, you're on your own and no one is going to be helping you. Even if you're packing a legal hand gun, with a permit to carry it concealed, in this day and age, you have to employ caution before you go Bernard Goetz on the nigger scum. Even with surveillance video of twenty jabbering apes attacking you, you will likely be the one charged(and with a "hate crime") if you open fire.
I recommend, for persons not permitted to carry a weapon, or don't have one to begin with, that they carry a can of oven cleaner in a plastic shopping bag with them on a bus or train. Carrying what amounts to groceries is not illegal and wont arouse suspicion. Lone Wolves should have a can of oven cleaner in their cars, under the driver seat, or some other easy access location. Non-conspicuous things like hammers, screwdrivers and other tools are good to have on hand and require no explanation for having them in your vehicle. I also carry a combination lug nut wrench/cro bar with a sharp chiseled edge that is only slightly longer than my forearm. In case I get a flat tire, of course! I don't recommend knives on public transport or in your vehicle. In that case, you might as well go all out and just carry the fire arm.
And, as always, in whatever situation that ends up with agents of ZOG questioning you, remember the Five Words! "I have nothing to say!"
TPC’s March Around the World
3 hours ago
I can't watch the video, just for the reasons you stated. I get so agitated and sick to my stomach watching the perversity, apathy and cowardice.
ReplyDeleteI get the same feelings as Joy but I must watch never the less. Keeps the fire a - burning hot.
ReplyDeleteOne can understand where Metzger is coming from in a sense, but unless it is for justifiable reasons such as you state RM ... how can someone just stand there and watch, or ignore ?
Yeah, chances are charges will be placed against YOU if you hang around, or you might get a thrashing yourself. But I'd feel worse doing nothing.
Our people, especially some of these clueless youth, need to shake these damnable false ideals out of their head and admit they are vulnerable at all times. There is no reason to tempt fate and willingly go into certain area's or places.
No one can be prepared 24/7 ... but you sure can come close if you work at it. I always tense up in close proximity, contemplate the what if's. Niggers are ALWAYS on the prowl and yes, they sense vulnerability and opportunity. We are daily being appraised as potential prey.
RM ... since yer also a fan of ol "put 'em down now and question 'em later" Eastwood ( !! ), let me dig up a quote from a favorite flic "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ...
(sure you remember)
They was holed up expecting an injun attack, but the same warlike, balls to the wall mindset is relevant today ...
"Now remember , when things look bad and it looks like yer not gonna make it , you gotta get mean. I mean plumb mad dog mean, 'cause if you lose yer head and give up ... then you neither lose nor win. That's just the way it is."
A screw driver or even a thumb emptying an eye socket can take the steam right outa someone.
We will fight back or we'll be eaten. Always liked the Biblical example of Sampson.
If I gotta go Lord, let me take as many of the sob's as I can with me.
I love that quote from Clint! Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, yer welcome Miss Joy - you Texas warrioress you :)
ReplyDelete1. He's probably been indoctrinated with some Orca bullshit that it's best to not resist in a violent attack lest you...
ReplyDeleteAdvice from a nigger telling stupid Whites not to resist niggers.
2. I think local public transportation specifically prohibits weapons onboard buses. If I remember correctly there is a small image of a gun crossed out near the entrance door. I could be wrong though, it has been several years since I last rode a bus.
Wonder if a beat down like this is prohibited also ?
ReplyDeleteHmmm ... they appear not to give a shit about such laws.
Does the old phrase "better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6" ever have application ?
Have to agree with Jeff on that score, Ronduck. These savages flout our laws constantly and are not so restrained. There should be a small crossed out image of a nigger in places where actual humans gather.
ReplyDeleteI advise caution, with myself in mind, first and foremost. Although I'm fairly anonymous as the author of this blog, if I were to become embroiled in some type of Joe Horn vigilante incident, it would probably not take ZOG long to uncover my writings and turn me into a Von Brunn, which the sensationalistic jewsmedia will lap up like starving dogs. Those stakes get higher when a fire arm is involved. That's where Terrible Tommy makes a valid point about not getting involved.
Thankfully, due to my geographic location, the likelihood of finding myself either as a victim or in the position of rescuing one is fairly slim. I don't go looking for trouble, and like Jeff, I'm on heightened alert when niggers are in proximity. And I'm not some bad ass who is never going to be on the losing end of the stick, but, by being as prepared as possible, even in defeat, these bastards are not going to have a victim who just rolls over and is easy pickings.
I'll tell you another thing about how cowardly these creatures are. I look 'em right in their yellow jaundiced eyes whenever I cross paths with them in a shopping mall or some other public place. They quickly avert their eyes. If you slink around like a coward, they can almost smell the fear and servile attitude, which is what happens to a lot of these people.
And a most appropriate quote from Clint. It's been a while. I'm going to have to dust off Josey Wales and maybe Pale Rider...
Well, somehow we were tricked into forgetting that not long ago at all in the overview as civilized history, these were cannibal savages for the most part. Do you guys know WHY every single freed slave wasnt sent to Libera, a land which the government in America had established JUST FOR the blacks who had been taught civilization, rather then just sending them back into the thicket? Because the first few blacks sent to the newly founded townships devolved into cannibal wars with neighboring tribes, and Jews in America made damn sure the negro which hadnt been shipped yet HEARD about it all, so that they would plea with congress for the right to stay as "guests". You can find the whole story among the diaries and Journals of people like James Monroe....What they DIDNT understand though, was why the Jew were hell bent on keeping blacks in America, as slavery (which they were the primary slavers AND merchants selling them) had been abolished...Just as people didnt understand why the Jews set up the NAACP and pushed the hart-Seller act in 1965. Although there was one, Mississippi state rep Thomas Abertheny, who had come across communist manifestos where Jews such as Israel Cohen had written about how they would use blacks as a sort of communist "trojan horse" to further thier world communist dictatorship plans and help them in committing genocide of whites. And most of this information isnt even that hidden. The enemies of the west just arrogantly assume most of us wont bother to look. And sadly, for the most part they have been correct on that. And that needs to change.